I remember...
Created by Michael 12 years ago
I remember Jim's first day on the job when he was placed with me on a post to train 16 years ago in August at the Ocotillo Campus. It was a very hot day and we were working construction. We hit it off great from day one and I can still remember him that day. As time passed, we both moved into other positions at Ocotillo. Years later I transferred to Chandler Campus and was tasked to come on board to help improve certain shift(s). I was asked if there were any individuals that can come help Chandler improve. I selected three (3) people, one of which was Jim. Jim was later promoted to SCC Captain and then went back into Shift Supervision and has led his team for years. Over these periods of time, I have gotten to know Jim very well. I remember the stories he had from Vietnam, Family stories, Past work situation we handled/people we worked with, etc.. Way too many to list. Those memories will always be there for me and will never be forgotten.